Here’s my recipe. Yields a great product every time.


3 Cups Brown Sugar
1 Cup White sugar
1/2 Cup Garlic Salt
3 tablespoons of Coarse black pepper
Kosher Salt


-moderate dusting of kosher salt on each piece of fish
-liberally apply brine covering every inch of fish
-refrigerate for 24 hours
-flip pieces of fish meat side down into the juice in the pan
-refrigerate for another 48 hours
-rinse off fish in water, place on drying rack, gently pat dry with payer towel
-air dry for at least 4 hours 6-10 ideal
-place in smoker and smoke for 3-6 hours at 120-140 degrees
-add a handful of alderwood chips soaked in apple juice every 30 minutes while smoking

Watch closely that you don’t get the temperature too hot. You will lose the flavor. Better to have it slightly undercooked than overcooked.

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