Sultan Sporting Goods - Near the confluence of the Sky/and Sultan. Dick (retired police chief) used to work the morning shift and I could always get a decent report from him by calling up and chatting and seeing how the "cracker bar" fished that morning. Then I could gauge how the river above there would fish, depending on water conditions.

I was building 3 new bridges across Olney Creek up the Sultan Basin Rd in 90-91. That winter is when the first of the "Super Floods of the '90s" occurred if I remember correctly? The store flooded, along with all the rest of the shops along the highway (the entire Snohomish Valley flooded). The "flood sale" was a good one though, as there was alot of stuff that was 75% off. Seemed the store was never the same after that, and a few years later the venue changed. The big flood's forever changed the landscape of the Sky in some locations as well.
..."the clock looked at me just like the devil in disguise"...