Originally Posted By: Todd
One of the nice old gentlemen who died from a heart attack posted pics of himself holding assault rifles, lamenting that the Antifas didn't come to his neighborhood...because like some clowns here, he's an internet tough guy.

He did, however, go to the riots, and participate in the insurrection...and he went armed with a taser.

The fact that he committed at least three felonies will not likely come up...since while he was committing them, he fell off the chair he was standing on while tearing portraits off the wall in the Capitol Building...and since he was a fuckin idiot, he had the taser in his pocket armed, and not on safety.

It went off, and electrocuted him in the dick and balls...funny, actually fuckin hilarious...up to the point where he electrocuted himself enough for his heart to stop beating and he died.

He doesn't get a pass because he was so stupid that he killed himself...he's still an insurrectionist, traitor, multiple-felon, and all around dumshit...and now he's dead, too.

Fish on...


This guy won a REEEEVo award. It’s like a Darwin Award, but it’s anti-science.
Maybe he's born with it.

Maybe it's amphetamines.