There is a handful of stupid and petty provisions aimed at black people, mostly, like ending Sunday voting (which didn't make the final cut), or the silly "can't give people water or food" parts, but the main part that is troublesome is allowing the Georgia State Election Board to take over for local election boards if they don't like the result.

That, of course, would have put a handful of political hacks in charge of the local election boards in precincts that made the difference in both the Presidential and Senate races.

In the name of "restoring confidence" in Georgia's voting system...yeah. Everything has been counted, recounted, re-recounted, tabulated, retabulated, and re-retabulated...and there was no problem whatsoever with Georgia's voting.

The only "problem" was that a lying sackofshit former POTUS and his merry band of idiots around the country can't stop lying.

Renouncing the Big Lie is how you maintain confidence in a good system...handing it over to the very lying hacks is how you don't...but, of course, "confidence" isn't the goal here...disenfranchising black voters in Atlanta is the goal here.

The problem wasn't lack of confidence in voting...the problem was that the People spoke, and the GQP didn't like what they had to say.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle