I remember back when you could fish two salmon rods (Seattle area). You still only got to bring in two fish.

Many states have rules allowing a second rod, so I don't see ethical problems with that. If you are in a relatively small boat, I don't see where any rod couldn't be considered under anyone's immediate control.

Think about when you're driving your boat, alone, running downriggers and how much time it takes to secure the boat's speed/course before you start fighting the fish. Is that immediate control? How about when you're bank fishing, plunking with a rod in a holder. You walk 20 feet to shoot the sh** with your neighbor and you get a fish on. Is that immediate control?

Interesting questions. Thanks for bringing them up, Cowlitz.

"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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