I've been out of the big game fishing arena for awhile, targeting mostly trout up in the Upper Clackamas system. It has always puzzled me why people would fish elbow to elbow in pursuit of salmon on the Wind, play bumperboats out at Bouy 10, or join the mess of folks that hit Eagle Creek when the silvers are in.

Is it only the stereotypical "meat hunters" that find this type of fishing for quick rewards worth it? It has to be more than that, as I'm not sure that there are that many out there to justify what I've seen/heard about. Am I the only one that would rather spend all day trying to catch my limit in solitude than spend two hours or less getting my limit after waiting my turn to cast in a classic clusterFiretrUCK?

With an estimated 3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,184 silvers coming up the system this fall, I think that this is a very valid question.
Get Bent Tackle whōre. Just added spinner section, where you can special order to your hearts content!