I think I would be more concerned about the fumes your breathing when you are next to somebody that has ingested lead and they pass gas. Really though If you pour sinkers or jigs I would want to be dam sure you have good ventilation cause the fumes can get pretty nasty.I'm sure their not too healthy for you. Also if your washing your hands after handling lead.You might want to consider buying a whole lot more soap.What about all the goodies in your gas and oil.I'm sure that will absorb through your skin a lot faster than a little lead.I think if you paid attention to the stuff you were handling all day you would be mighty surprised how much of it could be detrimental to your health. How many guys you see crimp their splitshot with their teeth. I'm surprised our riverbanks aren't covered with bodies of people dying from lead poisoning. Maybe they just haven't ingested enough yet. O.k. guys eat up. we could use the extra room on the river bank.