A good many of us are quite well informed and also mature enough not to go around spoutin off like some corn cobber. I for instance, know alot of our tax dollars went into helping restore runs in the Yakima. And alot of our money has gone into helping tribes improve their way of life. Which I am cool with, I am fairly sympathetic to their cause. I believe, however, they can't be allowed to run roughshod. Giving them the retail taxes from a store while we also give them dollars to build houses and schools is a good example.
My previous post was meant as a joke, which would probably piss off both indian haters and sympathizers alike, so be it. I will not allow my sympathetic approach to indians blind me from the reality of some situations as it apparently has with you NZ.
Give a man whatever the hell he wants and eventually he just won't give a crap anymore.