periwinkle , but of course. why is everyone so darn serious. I would rather look at a few nets, than 200 fishermen standing side by side trying to catch a fish. union is 53.8 statute miles sw of your house and 115.41 road mile . on beautiful hood canal next door to the skokomish Indian reservation. sometimes i even herd salmon like cattle ( from the chopper )into the indian nets. its kind of like being on one of those old west cattle drives. I would rather see them net all of those fish. because the fish dont go up the rivers. they just swim around and die in the canal in front of my house. then i have to smell rotted fish for weeks. its really disgusting.the pentagon has taken samples of these rotted fish and are trying to develop a stink bomb to drop over afganistan. they figure no one could live under those conditions and osama would move away.
( there is actually a small amount of truth in the last statement)