
I agree it is the human race that has brought certain fisheries to a point, where hatchery intervention is considered.
You have brought up valid points, should we intervene? If a wild stock is in decline, then fix the causes of the decline. I don't disagree. I was just suggesting perhaps a better hatchery method for wild strain enhancement, if that is pursued. Other questions are; If hatcheries are utilized, are they to help the wild stock, or raise a completely different strain, for fisheries enhancement, and try to prevent wild, hatchery interactions. I was commmenting on a possible wild enhancement hatchery. One where a river may need a kick start. Strain selection etc. is man made decision, Though it might not be 100% correct, it would be closer to the true strain, then past methods. But I guess it comes down to the basic decision, should we intervene? You say no, I would argue in some cases it should be explored.