First off, handguns, like all firearms, are tools. They can be misused, just like a knife, a hammer, a car, or a #2 pencil.

I am for responsoble use of firearms and I believe that all folks who possess or use them should go through some sort of training program. I'm not sure about making it mandatory, because I don't like the creation of laws that make Joe Citizen a criminal the day it goes into effect, when the day before he was a stand up citizen.

I have drawn a handgun in defense twice in my life, and I doubt I would be here if I didn't carry. One time I was a civilian, the other was when I was a deputy. Never fired a shot and while I'm not religious I thank God I didn't have to. One guy was armed with a knife, the other with a pistol. Both were criminals with extensive records who obviously didn't worry about breaking the law.

The law enforcement community has an extremely difficult job. I respect them for the service that they provide us, but as AuntyM implies, they can not be everywhere at once. Many of us choose to take responsibility for our own safety. When I am at work, I can't carry (Bank). When I am anyplace away from work, I carry 90% of the time.

I have carried for 14 years and I will continue to carry until there is either no longer a need, or I can no longer legally due so.

There really is no middle ground on gun control. If you intend to hunt with a shotgun, you should not do business with those who would restrict handgun ownership. Look at Great Britain, Australia, and Canada. They started with one type of weapon first. The pistol. Next comes ANY semi-auto. Say bye-bye to your BAR, M1 Garrand, Remington 740, 11-87, or Benelli SBE. Then all rifles, and finally your beloved side by side or over/under. If you hunt with a bow, your next.

What does this have to do with fishing? Well, the well balanced folks at PeTA have attacked hunting, saying it is cruel, and less fervent supporters say that if you really need meat, you should just buy it at the store and let someone else do your killing for you. It isn't a big leap from there to fishing. PeTA has already introduced programs to school districts where they discuss the cruelty of fishing.

WAKE UP! If you think it isn't your problem, you have your head in the sand. Feel free to debate me on any of the subjects I have raised. I hope I didn't "read" like I was a raving lunatic.


"cold dead hand"?....Been close twice.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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