Silly me - I thought that comments of "sticker shock" and "darn thing would have been more than $40" were lead-ins to rant about the cost of licenses.

Cowlitzfisherman is right we need to think. With shrinking budgets (especially in terms of real dollars) how can we expect to recieve the same services. Where would you make cuts? Have you lobbied for increased or even constant funding for WDFW or ODFG? Lobbied for stiffer fines?

Downrigger -
You asked questions about how the budget is allocated. Trying going to WDFW web site Click on "Who we are", go to "1997-98 annual report". While the 97-98 report is obviously dated it does have a graph that shows what % of the budget to each program.

To see where the this years cuts are coming from go to "Who we are" and then "2001-2003 budget reductions. WDFW was asked to reduce $50 million general fund dollars by 7.6 million. I think the legislature asked for more after latest revenue forecasts.

After doing this basic leg work you probably can get more detailed information on specific items by going to the appropriate program.

You asked about access areas - go to the WDFW web page, click on "fishing/shellfishing" and then "introdution to wildlife areas". Within the Wildlfie areas click on "vehicle permits".
Did you know that $370,000 in fines go to various Counties in lieu to paying taxes on your Department lands?

A common "beef" on this board is the lack of enforcement. Looking at the 97/98 budget I found that enforcement gets 9.9%. 10% of a $40 license is only $4. That will buy you maybe 5 minutes a year of an agents time - how do you want them spend that time?

Let's do our homework and then we can provide informed requests on how we wish to spend limited dollars.

Tight lines