Why do you THINK people are not buying them anymore? People are just getting plain flat tired of paying for nothing but more bureaucratic rules and regulations. Did you ever hear the old saying "Too many chiefs and not enough Indians"? This is what's happening to our resources right now.

Way too much "dead weight" just waiting around to get their retirement time in! When was the last time that you personally saw a "management" guy in WDFW, WDOE, NMFS, USF&WS, or any state or federal management position "bust their but" for our resource? Most of the ones that I know only work 4-10 hour days a week. Those kinds of hours may work well for private enterprise, but they are a joke when it comes to the management of our resources.

If you do see one working on a Friday, most likly he is getting paid overtime, or he getting comp time for doing it!

4-10 hours days shifts are great for manual production kind of work, but they suck for resource management work. Another GREAT use of our tax dollars! When was the last time you tried to get a hold of any management in the above mention positions on a Friday?

Don't forget our hunting and fishing license fees go in the "general fund" and DO NOT go directly back to a special hunting or fishing account. ALL THE MONEY GOES TO THE "BLACK HOLE" OF THE GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRATS!!!

Our Licenses fee go up only because the bureaucrats need more money to pay for their jobs and their yearly benefit increases.

Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????

Is the taste of the bait worth the sting of the hook????