
When I looked for a 10.5 foot float and hardware rod 3 or 4 years ago, the Lam Cert Pro was the only one I found. Loomis didn't make any that length and called their 9.5 a float and jig rod. Several hundred steelhead later, I feel naked, impotent, and lonely when I fish without my Lamiglas (don't tell my wife). That rod is so productive, I swear I can hear the fish scream in terror when I drive across a bridge with that rod in the back of my truck! Eventually, I even named it Steve so when I want to go fishing and something comes up, I can say "I told Steve I'd take him to the river. I have to go!" When do you know you've gone crazy?
If every fisherman would pick up one piece of trash, we'd have cleaner rivers and more access.