Me and the Mrs. fished CQ Sat-Mon. Wow, Sat just beat the snot out of us, but we did catch our fish. I was suprised that I was catchin' those buggers down to 40-50 ft??? In the "old days" of Pillar Point fishin', 2oz and 15 pulls was all that was needed. I was disappointed in the size of the fish though, big was 9.5 and the average was 7 pounds. I was hopin' for some hooknosed like we were catchin' in the Columbia, but maybe a bunch of "small strain" hatchery fish have showed up. We did best in the 600 ft range between Pillar and Slip Point. Probably going back this weekend. By the way, we used herring and a small flasher, jeez, I hate having a flasher on the line!
..."the clock looked at me just like the devil in disguise"...