CQ Report for Saturday - Left the dock at Olson's at 6:15 with the armada, every body and his brother was there. The fog bank out a mile stopped most of em. Proceeded out north around five miles and put the lines in. Fishing was pretty good, with a fish every five minutes or so, had three doubles while my first mate (my 11 year old son John) was sleeping, that was interesting. Woke John up for the last double and thats when the trouble began, as he promptly got seasick (even after a morning dramamine). I tried to convince him we were headed in but he caught on quick that we were going around in circles, and still catching fish!! Was back at ten, put the boat on the trailer and went home. Managed somewhere around 20 natives and 3 hatchery fish. In general, the fish were smallish, biggest fish was around 14 pound native. Don't know how the rest of the pack did, but the radio talk suggested it was spotty, especially inside. The fish I kept were all hens with empth stomachs and loose eggs - these fish won't be long for the salt once the rains come.