Superfly you are typical of the liberal morons. Not thinking or taking the time to educate yourself. When was the last time this state had a republican governor????? Not in either of our lifetime. For you to say the republicans had much to do with the over harvest of trees or fish is idiotic. Booth Garderor had heavy ties to Warehauser (by the way he was a D). The only reason logging in this state was curtailed was because of the spotted owl issue and restrictions the Federal government slapped them. All of the D Governors we had didn't have the huevos to stand up to warehauser or the commercial fishermen. Why because they were and still are taking campaign contributions from those jerks. Oh by the way the D's take a ton of money from the tribes too. Yeah lets keep these ineffective guys running the show. Good thinking!!!

Oh by the way Zozo I695 passed by a landslide and the D's in this state greatly outnumber the R's here. A bunch of them must have supported it. Once again typical of the D's, misinform, and villify the R's and hope people will think you are telling the truth. Nice Try. This state collects plenty in taxes. If they cut the beaurocracy and streamlined processed, and would quit running manufacturers out of the state we would be more than fine.