Originally posted by LittleZoZo:
Superfly...... Right on, Bro! I'm with you.
Jacob F...... Damn right the Democrats didn't support I-695. You talk about I-695 like it was a good thing, but for those of us who make our livings from heavy construction, I-695 was the Baine of our industry. Yeah, sure we get cheaper car tabs now, but at what cost? Because of the revenue shortage that I-695 created, the State isn't doing a lot of the heavy highway jobs that they were supposed to do. Because of the lack of money to fund these projects, there isn't as much work to go around, and a lot of the jobs that are getting done are being done by the cheaper, out of state, scab construction companies. I dont usually get involved in political discussions, and I am by no means an expert on the subject, all I know is that because of I-695, my family and the families of other men and women in my craft are having to do without.
Whoops, thanks for the correction. I meant I-696, the Ban All Nets innititive. Democrats were against that while it was supported by most Republicans.