I read the above, and I have to launch into a cross party rant. I am sick and f'ing tired of people who rant about the liberals or the conservatives or the democrats or the republicans. It's just plain intellectually lazy and ignorant. It is easy to find good things that have been done by members of each party, as it is to find things that we disagree with. All you have to do is open your eyes and your mind.

Have you ever taken a step back and thought that maybe, just maybe, the other guy considers himself to be just as honest and upright as you do? That maybe, from his perspective, and from the fact set that has been given to him, that his conclusions are correct, just as, from your perspective, and from the facts you have, yours is right?

Could it possibly be that if we quit calling each other names, and agreed to actually look at data, we could quit arguing start discussing, and improve the country? Or is it just more fun to call each other names like a bunch of squabbling teen age girls?

By the way, that crack about Bob being a democrat because he has taken steps to keep this board a family style place was incredibly low class. I guess one of the downsides of the internet becoming widely available is that all sorts of stupid people will start using it. You moron, Bob is your host, and you just defecated in his living room. Maybe that's considered polite behavior in your trailer, but the rest of us are simply marveling that you are able to pass as a human.

And, by the way, I am a registered republican, but have voted for candidates of either persuasion in recent years. I am even-handed in my disdain for politicans, I think they are all corrupted by the system. The republicans have lost the sense of fiscal responsibility that made me want to join the party, but the democrats haven't found it, so I'm reluctant to change. If the Libertarians ever develop any chance of winning, that's where you'll see me looking.