
Started this dialogue?

Beware of Washington Trout. Their lawsuit which is already filed in federal court seeks to eliminate hatcheries in the Puget Sound region. WT believes that ALL hatcheries are bad. WT is NOT a fishing organization as you mnay think they are. WT is not a feel-good catch and release fly fishing fraternity. WT is a political group opposed to hatcheries and probably in the long run opposed to you fishing at all.
Sounds more like a bash to me. Then you try to back-peddle by professing not to know everything like some on this BB. From another who definitely does not know everything, let me offer you some friendly advice. KNOW THE FACTS before you hit the 'Add reply' button. Otherwise we might get the idea that the quote of John Wayne you made in an earlier thread is autobiographical. wink
A day late and a dollar short...