Yeah that Avatar is gayer than a male thong.

I got sprayed at Rainbow Valley about 14 years ago. A bunch of hillbilly fratboy types decided they'd pile in the 4x4 pickup and go trash some hippies--So my buddy and I were walking by when they started in on some guy walking alone (of course) and they said the typical stupid redneck [Bleeeeep!] --"Hey F*ggot!!"

The guy says [Bleeeeep!] off, so all 10 of the inbreds pile out of the truck and rush the guy. The dude whips out his can of spray and empties the whole can-- on every last one of them-- straight into thier stupid faces. Unfortunately there was a light breeze so my buddy and I got eyes and lungs full of the [Bleeeeep!] too.

Spent the rest of the evening and my shroom trip trying to wash out my eye's & throat with Stroh's.

I wasn't mad at the poor guy he'd have probably been beaten to death, and at least he choose a nonlethal means of dealing with those retarded a$$hats, which is more than I can say for myself.

It wasnt all bad though, some hippy chick took sympathy on me and gave me "special attention" all night long.
The art of government is to make two-thirds of a nation pay all it possibly can pay for the benefit of the other third.--Voltaire