The mention of being “unpatriotic” is complete crap. Blindly following a politician without question is unpatriotic. Questioning a politician's every move is extremely patriotic. It shows you care about the direction of this country. Especially when that politician is talking war.

We went to Iraq as part of a U.S. led coalition at the direction of the U.N. We were tasked with kicking Iraq out of Kuwait and back to Bagdad but go no further. We have been tasked since then with containment. The U.N. has been tasked with the disarmament not the U.S.
However, the U.S. is now tasking itself, without U.N. approval, to almost single handedly over throw the Iraqi government based upon a complete and sudden change in U.S. policy to one of pre-emptive strike. This sets several dangerous precedents. One is the fact that we are going against the U.N. Will this mean the U.N. is now null and void? The second is the pre-emptive strike precedent. All countries will now be able to use our new policy against their neighbors and we really cannot, with a clear conscience, object. Want to invade a country? Now's your chance. They might some day be a danger to you otherwise.
There has been a lot of talk about Iraq being linked to terrorism but no proof. In fact there has been a lot of innuendos in general without a shred of evidence produced. If you choose to believe these without seeing proof then that's your business. Some project 100,000 casualties. I'd rather see some more solid evidence that convinces the U.N. before we inflict that upon innocent civilians and start our own body bag count. I think we are owed that.
There has also been a lot of propaganda about the evil dictator who uses weapons of mass destruction on his own people. A lot of the evil being cited was actually performed while Iraq was our ally and we were arming them and training them. We deny knowledge of any of the evil at that time. Do you really believe we didn't know? Of course he's an evil dictator. He was when he was playing on our team too. I'm not defending him one bit. But I don't buy into the propaganda being fed to us much either. We were in bed with him. Now we are not. I wonder what really happened to change that?
It seems that this is being rolled into the “war on terrorism”. If we are truly trying to prevent terrorism this sure doesn't seem to be the way. I believe terrorist attacks will increase immensely when we go in and probably won't cease for the rest of our lives.
Also, just what you want to do with a caged animal. Go into his cage and threaten him. Think he'll unleash everything he's got and not just at us? You bet. He has nothing to lose at that point.
Finally, this could possibly trigger world war three. Who knows how many countries and factions are waiting for us to go in so that they can make moves in their own best interests. And, they have pre-emptive strike justification now thanks to us. There is China/Taiwan, all Arab countries/Israel, India/Pakistan, escalation in Afghanistan, possibly renewed war in Yugoslavia, the Koreas, who knows what Iran is capable of.
Rumsfield claims we can fight a war on two fronts. Another dumb thing to say, as it turned out, but he really should have said three fronts. Or did he forget about Afghanistan? It seems like the entire administration has forgot about that country. Where's Bin Laden? Or maybe it's five fronts?
Bush, so far, has made many foreign policy blunders. I have my doubts that he can get this one right.
What probably should have happened when the U.N. failed to sanction an attack is we gather up our toys and go home. We have no business being there any more. Or do we?
In almost every major political situation all you need to do is follow the money to see the truth. Maybe this is really only about lining Bush/Cheney pals pockets (Halliburton) while having the tax payer once again foot the bill for it…some paying the ultimate price.
If congress hadn't let itself get caught up in miss-guided patriotism and had not ceded it's authority to wage war to one single politician then maybe it would be a requirement to show us all the facts around the case for going to war or at least I'd feel better about it knowing that a lot of decision makers are involved instead of only one who's track record isn't very good on such matters thus far.
If the U.N. isn't convinced by the "facts" on 02/05 I sure won't be.
"You learn more from losing than you do from winning." Lou Pinella