“Show me the numbers that support what you have claimed, and I'll adjust my numbers! “

Maybe you would like to show me the numbers that back up your claim. Do you honestly believe 40-50 % of all sports fisherman advocate the catch and release of wild fish? My bet is most casual anglers, not the members of this board but just the everyday average fishing smuck does not know the difference between a wild fish and a hatchery fish. These are the guys that make up most of the fishing population not the people of this board who have a far greater understanding of the difference and the importance. These average everyday fishing smucks bonk everything they catch. I don’t need numbers to prove this I know what I see on the river.

“Besides, ALL wild fish supporters always obey the laws to protect the wild fish. . . right? So what are you worried about? Either they care, or they don't care! Its time to put up or shut up!”

Yes I do believe most wild fish supporters always obey the laws to protect the wild fish, I just don’t believe the numbers are as high as you stated unless you can prove to me other wise. If you can prove other wise I think that is great, I would love to see that people are being educated about the importance of releasing wild fish, unfortunately I am a pessimist when it comes to believing that the general fishing population cares.

So what am I worried about, nothing just I don’t believe the numbers that is all.

“They will not do the fishermen any wrong! They care! They are the ones, who are pushing for all of the reforms, so why would they not obey the game laws to the letter?”

I do believe the fishermen pushing for the reforms will do the right thing and that they do care. I also believe that this does not make up 40-50% of sports fishermen. The people who will not obey the law are the same people who already don’t obey it and this is an enforceable law in my opinion. I also believe from what I see first hand ever time I hit the water is there are fewer people who don’t obey the regulations then do. Most people don’t even read the regs from what I can see.

It was a nice try but I do not feel in my opinion it is feasible.
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