I'm not as patient as a lot of my fellow WRS guys here. I frankly am sick of people who are so engrained with catch and kill that i don't care what regulations limiting harvest come along. People who kill wild stelhead intentionally flat out don't deserve to be on the river. Such disregard for the welfare of our fishing future just bugs me. Finny thing is these are the same people who complain any time you wanna change anything in a hatchery operation to help wild fish.

I've had enough these people are worthless to converse will. All they seem to care about is their ability to kill whatever thwy want. The idea that they oppose the moratorium because of some bad procedure of the commission if just flat out bogus. its pure retaliation out of malice for the concept of WRS nothing more nothing less. They just want to be able to kill and don't care about the consequences.. Thats what their actions tell me.