It is a biological fact that being exclusively gay takes you out of the breeding pool
Good I hope a gay family moves behind me as the Hispanic family with 11 freaking kids, 2 parents, 1 grandmother, 2 barking dogs and a god dam pigeon is like living behind a sea of commotion.

BTW hetrosexuals that do not have kids pay a tax penalty so there is even an economic reason to have kids.
Oh so people should have kids to avoid taxes rather then have them because they choose to bring a child into this world out of love. Keep trying.....

Bottom line the majority of Americans feel gay marriage should be banned.
Only if you are hanging around the Mullet types

if the gay lobby wants to use the legislature to propose a law or an amendment allowing gay marriage they are free to do such. It will never pass. Using the courts to destroy our system of government and right ot self rule to force acceptance of gay marriage is wrong and un American.
Ya that's what the KKK used to say about Blacks having equal right. No sense debating about it the courts will rule in favor of gays one day or another as they should.
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