"Oh so people should have kids to avoid taxes rather then have them because they choose to bring a child into this world out of love. Keep trying....."

No the country clearly recognizes the economic benefit in population growth and has provided a benfit for participation. Makes no statement about why someone should choose to have a kid anymore than say free public education.

An overwhelming majorityof Americans do not support gay marriage or using the courts to render their decison moot. I am sure some mulletypes are included.

Race is not even a close comparison to this issue as gays have 100% of the rights of straight Americans. Please prove otherwise if you disagree.

Hint: You cannot use the old arguement that straights can marry who they love and gays cannot. Love is an emotion and not a basis for any of our our laws. Name another law that allows for such an emotion for the primary reason it exhists.
Liberalism is a mental illness!