Good chocolate's not cheap. I myself have found some of the low carb stuff to be spendy, but it does not raise my blood sugar.

I like grinding Cocao Nibs (real roasted beans)and sweetened with stevia (natural sweetner) which does not raise your blood sugar. I like to make chocolate yogurt using young coconuts and adding acidophilus to the milk. That's good stuff that satisfies my cholcolate jones and it want kill you. BTW, real chocolate is good for you.

What ever you do, stay away as much as you can from aspertane and sacarine. That stuff is poison, and believe it or not, was brought to you by Donald Rumsfeld, but that's another story. \:\)

Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of
Truth and Knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter
of the gods.

-- Albert Einstein