Originally posted by Piper:

Say you've had 3 or 4 beers while trolling for salmon. The call of nature beckons so you whip it out over the side of the boat. Just as the flood gates are opened ol' mr. salmon hits and starts ripping line from your reel threatening to spool your arse...
Interesting you should ask. \:D

I was fishing sockeye in Barkley Sound with NOFISH and Cowardly Lion last year when one hit while I was getting ahold of myself. I just held a rod in each hand till I was done pissing. Then I fought the fish with my paints down. And since fishing was fast and furrious, I left my paints down till I put the clip back on the down rigger and lowered it to the appropriote depth. Before I could get my paints up the rod went off AGAIN.

This happend four times in a row and I played and landed all four fish with my paints around my ankles amid 500 boats watching the spectical. No joke. \:\)