you don't NEED any beer for a good fishing trip, unless you're trolling for trout, in that case, a case of beer between two guys will be suffice...i drink a lot...6 nights a week, hasn't been a problem in my life up to this point i.e. never had a dui, wife doesn't nag, play with my little baby constantly, never called in "sick" because of a hangover, etc.....the majority of the time i fish for salmon/steelhead i'm wading so not only do i not want to carry a half rack with me, it can also be dangerous, depending on where/when/how daring you are...many times on the skok i have filled my limit, whether it be the current 1 fish or the 4 fish limit later on, and will go grab a sixer and sass my buddies while i wait for them to try to get theirs....and it doesn't take a drunk to offend people with questionable language-just tuesday on our wade back upriver to the truck, we were walking out empty handed and he said he better not drink any beers on the way home or his wife will never believe that he was really fishing so i came back with "well we better stop off at a whorehouse so at least you can go home smelling like fish!!"....just at that time i see a 12 year old girl sitting along the tree line with her little brother while their dad continued to fish, i felt like such a frigging idiot, i wanted to crawl under a pile of nets!! i apologized for my language and got on my way, sometimes my wit gets the best of me, when i have a good comeback it's most effective presentation is immediately following the setup, oh well it's bound to happen again sometime, hopefully no time soon...the great outdoors should be a safe place to take the kids out and not have to worry about rejects like me and my loud mouth, but realisticly, the skok at the peak of the king run is not the place for virgin son will be there with me when he's old enough and i'm sure he'll hear some things his mother would not approve of but it's nothing more than what's said on their school playgrounds on a daily basis anyway!! to sum it all up, unless you're kicking back plunking or trolling for trout, save the major beer consumption for post fishing celebrations