Originally Posted By: VHawk

I am a liberal, and someone who feels strongly that the Iraqi war was ill advised, ill conceived, and total BS. I also feel just as strongly that acting like a doped up jackass doesn't help win peoples hearts and minds. It turns the average citizen away from the message.

I agree with that Vince.

 Originally Posted By: goinfishin
They are mostly a bunch of whining, idealistic, brainwashed idealogues that have no clue about what is really going on in Iraq.

It's called attention seeking behavior. Probably more of an Evergreen tradition or fad than anything.

My take on the Oly police is that they are patient and accustomed to a certain amount of this stuff. I think dumb kids with no common sense (who challenge the 5-0 and get pepper sprayed for not doing what they are asked), have gotten what they deserved. There are consequences for breaking the law. The police have more serious matters to deal with instead of babysitting a bunch of spoiled brats.
Propping up an obsolete fishing industry at the expense of sound fisheries management is irresponsible. -Sg