Originally Posted By: blue_jay
While people have the right to drive what and how they want. I agree something needs to be done for the future. IMO I believe hydrogen is the wave of the future.

What gives us that RIGHT??? Actually if you ask me it's a rat race. I drive because I have to ,I work because I have to I live simply and it isn't my right to do anything, That's how this country and our world in general got f'ed up in the first place. Our right,please dude,it's our right to rape our natural resources? I will say this,there is no stopping it,but I'll be damned if I be part of the problem. Fine you dislike Hilary. So do I. I dislike politicians,especially George W. Bush. So I will do my homework and vote for the lesser of the evils because our candidates are all full of [censored],as usual. The way we have been doing things is wrong,I'm sorry. get your head out of your ass. I may be idealistic but if something doesn't change soon we're all fucked. Look around you man. Our society is full of assholes,don't be one of them. You listen to too much Michael Savage I bet. yeah there is an enemy within,it's called our Government. What a joke,makes me want to just disappear. If I could I wouldn't have anything to do with any of it. What does this have to do with oil? Who gives a [censored] about oil ,that's what!!!