Originally Posted By: Todd
March, 1977, Sammamish River...6 1/2 foot Mitchell Garcia combo...Mitchell 300 with 6 pound test, on a size three spinner.

That fish tagged out at 41 inches, and was as chrome a buck as you'll ever see...one of these days I'll have to dig up a photo and scan it in.

I was seven years old...it was a looonnggg time before I caught another fish like that, but I was lucky enough to get three more steelhead before the end of April that year...got ten the second year, and by the time I was 16 I had bicycled to every river within fifteen miles of my house and caught a fish or three out of all of 'em...when I started to drive it was game over then...been an addict ever since.

Fish on...


Man, that bings back some memories for me too. I caught plenty of salmon in the Sammamish but never a steelhead. My first hook-up came in March of 88 just below the Sultan. My first actual landed steelie was June 26, 1988 at Reiter.

"Three-fourths of the Earth's surface is water, and one-fourth is land. It is quite clear that the good Lord intended us to spend triple the amount of time fishing as taking care of the lawn." ~Chuck Clark