July 12th, 199?, Sky, with buddy in his driftboat, corky and sandshrimp... 27" chrome hen, maybe 4-5lbs? remember it because it was my birthday, and my buddy gutted out a toothache to row my ass down the river, on Sultan to Ben Howard drift.. Also no pic as his camera went tits up. This was after several other trips, (on the Sky and on the coast), in which I caught nothing. Years of fish whistling have made me forget which year, but I still remember buddy telling me I was grinning like a little kid.(Cotton mouth may have had something to do with it!) Before catching that fish the wife thought that when I went fishing, I wasn't fishing but having an affair, because I always came home smelling like sand shrimp, but no fish to show.
I asked her why anyone in their right mind would be having an affair with someone who smelled like that?!!!!
AKA Knuckledragger