I have long maintained that the one thing that will bring this nation to its' knees is the cost of providing healthcare to public employees and thier dependents. In the private sector, there is and has been a "product" that has in the price a portion of the profit that helps pay for these costs. In the public sector jobs (which the number of is in a constant state of increase) there is very little product.As the Baby Boomers hit the retirement age and are living longer, it will take an ever growing amount of the tax base to support these costs. I believe we are only one bad investment by those in charge of these plans to wipe out the reserves and put a lot of people out in the cold as far as thier coverage goes.
I have known only a few firemen and policemen who have retired any older than 50.Add in the retired servicemen who get out after 20-25 years and are only in thier late 40s. As medical costs increase the money to pay for it must increase also.It's a downward spiral. Just my take on it.