I was up there last week and saw few nates drift netting...

I saw one pass on 300yards of water and saw them pull out 5 steelies...

I thought you had to anchor your net at one end at least? The old alaska way....

Netting sucks! But drift netting REALLY SUCKS!

As far as native rights go...... I say...

its a new world. we need to work together to fix it... no special
privilage... SORRY.. you pick... gambling money or fish!

Treaties are laws... and laws were made to be outgrown... and changed...when they are no longer appropriate or fitting,
not to last forever!

I am Irish... my ancestors have been getting the shaft for hundreds of years. You will get used to it... I have...

Earn a living like everyone else I know!

here come the flame throwers... I know I am trying to turn water into wine... But hey... it tastes better!
If the grass is wet I'll run my jet sled there!