Originally Posted By: Grass Hopper

Netting sucks! But drift netting REALLY SUCKS!
As far as native rights go...... I say..
its a new world. we need to work together to fix it... no special
privilage... SORRY.. you pick... gambling money or fish!
Treaties are laws... and laws were made to be outgrown... and changed...when they are no longer appropriate or fitting, not to last forever!

I am Irish... my ancestors have been getting the shaft for hundreds of years. You will get used to it... I have...

here come the flame throwers... I know I am trying to turn water into wine... But hey... it tastes better!

Grass Hopper I will burn beside you.
Times do change and to net and kill the Bycatch that They SAY they are not after is wrong. With fish traps the unintended bycatch can be released unharmed. The Tribes need to step up and do the right thing and fish GREEN and not be killing and selling the fish for Money unless they have a Commercial License. SUBSISTANCE, not profit