Originally Posted By: Kaiser D.
Originally Posted By: Sol Duc

Ok this was an exaggeration but Obama's affiliation with the RACIST ministers/churches and Bill Ayers far outweighs any anger outbursts that McCain shows on occasion. Hell everyone has anger issues some choose to keep it inside, is that healthier or not?

And to think some people think McCain and Bush are a like is laughable, hell they don't even like each other.

The fact that pastors have become a serious issue in this campaign (on both sides) is ludicrous enough.

I'm assuming the "Obama will hand over the country to Islam" statement is just to stir the pot, and therefore earned the <popcorn> remark. I thought even Fox news gave up on that idea?

I totally disagree with you, as do a lot of other people in g damn america. This racist pastor was " his spiritual advisor " for 20 years, this is what Obama was quoted as saying. Then all of the sudden he disassociates himself and quits the church. WTF?
He who joyfully marches in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice.

- Albert Einstein.