In 1992 my cousin and I were hunting up near Trout Lake and he shot a big 3x4 (18" x 19") and it dressed meat and bones only at 192 pounds...

Personally my best is 152 pounds meat and bones.

My father claims he shot a buck in 1979 which he has mounted on the wall (21.25" wide by 19" tall) 3x3 with eye guards that dressed 212 pounds meat and bones. It too was killed up near Mt. Adams out the back side of the Trout Lake area.

Most of the smaller fork bucks and 3pts I've seen average around 95-110 pounds meat and bones in our area here as well as Trout Lake...

What's the biggest you've seen or killed and I'm talking head, hide and hooves cut off at the knees?

Keith thumbs
It's time to put the red rubber nose away, clown seasons over.