I'm only referrring to cars made in the last few years. Lets say 2004 and newer.

I am just getting out of a Nissan Pathfinder, and wont buy another Nissan . [censored] is falling off that car left and right including trim pieces and weatherstripping breaking and coming unglued, Plastic parts on the interior breaking, Switches breaking etc. I've read reviews about the Toyota Sequoias having a lot of problems with the fit and finish that leads to my post, handles break, lights not working, etc. Just my observations of late as I'm in the market looking for a full sized SUV. GM seems to be leading the Game in that dept.

I agre ethat over the last 20 years Forqign auto makes have put domestics to shame. Too bad the execs here in america wont throw themselves out a window if they fail to meet whats expected of them..

One theme seems to prevail in favor of foreign cars from Japan, Import automakers are more concerned about building a quality product. Domestic automakers seem more concerned about making a big profit.

You know something bad is going to happen when you hear..."Hey, hold my beer and watch this"