
Had I known you were incapable of having a rational discussion about this subject I would not have asked you how you would do it. As it was, you didn't answer the question but veered off track. Deflection is common among folks who can't or won't discuss the very topic they raised.

Irish Rogue qued this up perfectly. It always is a benefit:cost analysis. It has to be as long as dollars are scarce, which they always are, and needs are great, which they always are. The most cost effective treatments will occur, and the treatments that are not won't. That's the way it always has been; that's the way it is now; and that's the way it will be, regardless of health care reform, Obama, RvW, or whatever.

Count me in to join IR and Dan S. to tell anyone the obvious if they cannot contain their emotions sufficiently for rational discussion.

Wow, Todd's right; this has become the joke thread. Maybe the health care debate is only impossible because so many Americans can only debate with their emotions instead of rational thought. Obama and socialism aren't even a convenient smokescreen.
