Originally Posted By: Dan S.
Nobody wants to deliver news like that.............but it's part of the deal.
My dad used to talk about how you deliver the uncomfortable news that someone has cancer, and won't be around for long. He said it was about the hardest part of his job to deliver news nobody ever wanted to hear.
But let's be honest...........news like this is delivered every day. Nobody WANTS to do it, but they HAVE TO do it.

Yes, it does get delivered every day. Tomorrow we find out if my 76 yo. dad has Leukemia..odds are high that he does, but I'll be damned if I'll accept it till all the test results are in.

BTW, I DO understand cost/benefit. With adults we can [generally] make a rational decision..ie: "Is it worth going through the treatment?"

My dad's already decided he will not undergo chemo and radiation. Not because of money, but just because he's decided that at his age he would prefer not to go through all that misery. Fortunately, there is another option that has presented itself that is worth a shot.