Originally Posted By: AuntyM
I don't agree. WDFW can't grow their salaries and staff in the current economic/legislative climate unless they get it from sportfishing. They know they won't be getting it from any other source.

The times are changing and it's about damned time. That's the way things happened in Florida and Texas too. Could be why the commercial apologists are trying to make such a ruckus.


That's hilarious that the "commercial apologists" are the ones fighting against additional commercial fishing opportunity to protect recreational fishing, and the "smart ones" are fighting for the efficacy of an improved commercial fishery that will take opportunity away from sportfishers...

This "commercial apologist" wants to stop pussyfooting around and get the commercial industry out of freshwater areas altogether, not provide them with a way to catch more fish downstream from us.

Fish on...


P.S. Your "chicken little" comments show just how utterly ignorant you are about how the LCR fisheries are crafted...but I'll give you credit, you're making up for it by yelling the loudest.

Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle