Zealotry and extremism for any cause, however righteous, makes me wary. I prefer a more subtle approach myself. I'm extremely proud to be the secretary of our local CCA chapter and have emceed our last two very successful banquets. I encourage my friends to join CCA and occasionally talk about it on the boat. Those who join tend to get invited back more often than those who don't. If somebody has a specific issue or principle that prevents their joining that's okay, we can discuss things and agree to disagree. If they choose to support a different conservation group or fishery organization... that's totally okay. If however they're too lazy to join or claim to have too little time free... yet still have enough time and money to go fishing... that's another thing entirely. Their phone doesn't ring.

I am quite confident in saying that things are better this year in WA than they would have been without CCA. We would have lost our fish and wildlife commission almost certainly. We have much more visibility of salmon issues and sportfishing priorities in the legislature now than we ever did before. We have a seat at the table. I intend to use that newfound voice to improve the returns of fish to the Hanford Reach. I owe my kids that.

So, Francis- I completely applaud your enthusiasm. But I don't have a litmus test for letting folks aboard my boat. Life isn't black and white and I don't mind listening to opinions different than mine... sometimes I learn something.