Originally Posted By: Lead Bouncer
In the long run, the line in the sand will disappear. Closing ourselves off to others, who are not involved in the same organization is counter productive. If the requirement was upgraded to the next level, the restriction would target everyone who did not serve on a chapter or state committee. Pretty soon, your circle of influence is so small, you become a high school click.

I hope it's not too obvious to point out that I'm not the one that said I'd restrict guests in my boat to folks who only do or do not belong to a certain organization...or political party, race, Ford or Chevy drivers, NASCAR fans or F1 fans, Husky alums or Cougar alums...hell, I've been known to fish with people from Oregon, even smile

Be cool, have fun, and fish hard...that's all it takes to fish with me...no card check required at the launch.

Fish on...


Team Flying Super Ditch Pickle