Originally Posted By: Dogfish
(Yes Driftin', I will make sure I seal that air leak on the upper right of the roof on the nest box, and I know the roof of the nest box doesn't provide a good drip edge, but it is covered by a 3' overhang on the lee side of the usual weather direction. I dare a drop of water to get in there, dammit!)


Originally Posted By: Dogfish
The Barred Rocks are by far the friendliest, with a few of the Black Austrolorps warming up really fast. The meal worms I'm feeding them really help to develop a bond. (Look at me, a big strong guy talking about bonding. I feel a tear...) wink

If you end up with 'lorp cockerels, you may end up eating them when they get bigger instead of letting them keep the hens "happy." Know of one that goes after my friend's kids and adults when they enter the pen for any reason. Damn thing is a puffed-up whirlwind of spurs and beak. He should have been dinner long ago....

Seriously tho', thanks for posting this up. It's too late for spring chicks, but I've drawn up some plans for a coop with some details for similar ways of keeping feeding and watering convenient--'specially when its raining. Your clucker architecture has given some perspective. wink