Originally Posted By: Bucket/Good Sport
Damn that pup growed up fast.

6 months old next week. He's a pretty good dog, minds well, but still is a jumpy spaz around new folks and dogs.

We'll do a few quail after the chicks are in their new run. Maybe 10 or so is all. Father-in-law did maybe 5 or 6 runs of pheasants from 10-25 birds each. They need a fair amount of room or they really start hacking away at each other. Ringnecks were somewhat mean, but the Reeves he had was vicious. Killed 20 other pheasants in a single evening. MEAN. Might try a few pheasant next year, and maybe a turkey or two. We'll see.

Cool thing happened today. Over the past few weeks I've been hearing a grouse "drumming" near me as I worked on the coop. I look over to the log on the left of this photo

and I see some movement, and the grouse starts drumming away. Didn't catch it on film, unfortunately, as I was mesmerized by it. First time I ever saw it happen. I'll see if I can catch him in the act.
"Give me the anger, fish! Give me the anger!"

They call me POODLE SMOLT!

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