Your modesty in picking a nickname is refreshing. Some of us on here, TM and myself included, displayed a lack of that in our eagerness to come up with the best name.

I may have to reconsider speculating that TM doesn't have enough "modesty" as he did (by his own report) catch a trout larger than me this year.

He told me, and I freely accepted it as the gospel truth, that he caught a 26 incher a couple of weeks ago.

My best was a 25 incher back in May, but that was 6 months earlier than TM's fish. If I rather conservatively calculated 6 months growth rate and added that to my fish, possibly mine would have bested his by two inches.

Woolly Worm - I had to think a while to remember the name behind that moniker, but it came to me. I forgot as I read your post of your trout catching exploits under your real name. I noticed you didn't pass on the name or location of the lake in that post either.

I do have a problem with lots of leech imitations in my fly box. They didn't get much use after a June BC trip. Most still look brand new. Next year they should lose their luster and pristine appearance.

Back to nicknames. I have a friend at work who has given me the title of "Big Fish". I assumed that was recognition of my ability to catch many large trout, in retrospect I should have been more suspicious as I think he is remarking on my many fish stories and that it appears I catch the same trout more than once (not necessarily catch and release).

Here are some sample nicknames you could consider:

Glo Bug
7x (as in tippet)
Light Rod (not recommended)
Damsel Master
Fish Catcher
No Bull
zen leecher