I may have to check out the green again on Thurs morning before work. Anyone else going to be around then? Apparently, I was fishing to low in the river to find any chums - and I didn't find any steelhead either. Next time I'll head up further into the park...

Here is a challenge for you chum fishers:
See who can have the best fair to foul hook ratio. If a guy hooks 20 fish in an hour, but only 10 were fair hooked, that's nothing to write home about. If another guy hooks 8 fish in the same timeframe and only 1 was snagged, that is pretty impressive.

Maybe next year we can set up a little friendly competition (not that I want fishing to be comptetive - but it seems to suit chum fishing). Ground rules would be: 3 snags and your out. No fishing over Redds. Winner is the one with the highest fair hook per hour average. We could do hood canal or the green.
This is not intended to be a 'pi$$ing competition', rather an opportunity to show others that you don't have to snag fish to be successful. Thoughts?? Winner gets ___? Losers have to pack out 1 bag of trash each??