Yeah i think your right Carl. Wed hadn't really got any significant rain in the last 3 days and the green is known to clear out quite quickly so i though maybe some nice water might be waiting for us. It was almost muddy looking though. It was just one of those right time at the right spot, situation.

Everyone says that steelhead are really smart and finicky. In a way that is true. Finicky, i'd say cuz of the few numbers make it seem this way. But the smart part, to me, is there internal instinct to conserve energy. USE THIS!! I have yet to catch one out of swift water. I always see plunkers looking for the deepest or the middle part of the river to fish. But most of the fish are takin it easy hugging the shoreline. Even right below your feet. I'll be out lookin for more fish later today. One more thing. That buck had pure white meat, and damm it tasted so good. Too bad my g/f can't keep anymore since our self-imposed 1 keeper steelhead per year rule came into effect. A very good rule i must say.(this rule excludes the 20lb Native class laugh ) Anyone need a guide on the Green? laugh laugh

That pic of the fish should be up on my homepage in a few days if anyone is interested.

Occupation: I pet the fish.