Originally Posted By: Salmo g.
So to both the "save all the wolves" and "kill all the wolves" crowd, I say F ya' cuz neither of you are very beneficial to the planet.


I wholeheartedly agree.
Man is the cancer on this incredible planet that we live on.

I love wildlife more than my own species on many levels.

Hunting submerges me in their world, I feel like a cat with a freshly killed mouse sometimes, remorsefully admiring the incredible beauty of the creature whose life I have taken.
Man will never create such beauty or purity.

Funny, I can be so cruel in my desire to kill exceptional specimens of wildlife and at the same time display the compassion to swerve to avoid killing a squirrel on the road.
This morning I relocated a garbage raiding fox from a box trap.
I could have easily put a .22 slug in his head.
Instead I valued the life of a beautiful animal, pulled over on the way to work and watched as he bolted to freedom as I opened the door of the trap, it felt good to spare his life.

Originally Posted By: Todd
One thing I don't like, as a hunter, are the guys who say "I want to protect the public, the farmers, and the elk!"...when what they really want to do is shoot a wolf, all the other schit bedamned.

I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to shoot a wolf, I just prefer if people are honest about it, instead of trying to justify it on some other more palatable position, like they're trying to do someone or something a favor.

Fish on...


I agree with you too Todd.

The great predators of this planet are some of it's most valuable treasures.
To hunt them to extinction is a sin of epic proportion.

Recently I was asked if there was anything I wouldn't hunt.
I gave it thought.........The plight of the great African Lion came to mind.
A creature whose raw strength and power have struck fear in the hearts of men since the beginning of time.
I find them both beautiful and terrifying.
Man has stripped their habitat and killed them mercilessly.
I think they are on the brink.
It would pain me to no end to see them or any other big predator extinct in my lifetime.

I'll hunt a species if their population allows a harvest-able surplus, that does not endanger their population as a whole.
Selfish? Probably.
Hateful? No Way.
I worship the days I have afield in the pursuit of big game animals.
Things I dreamt of as a child I have lived and shared with my son that were beyond my wildest dreams.
No amount of money could buy those moments from me.

Most will never ever understand.
